Naida Zukić
|| Selected Academic Presentations || Press || Performance ||
Oslobođenje[Liberation] is an award-winning newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the three-part photoessay, the newspaper traces Dr. Naida Zukić's life journey from concentration camp survivor during the Yugoslav Wars to a "renowned professor" of Communication Studies in the US. The essays conclude with the in-depth discussion of Dr. Zukić's scholarship, and specifically her sabbatical that has allowed her to not only complete her research on "choreographing ethics of responsibility" in Butoh, but also to finish a video installation that critiques the passivity of those individuals who witness human rights abuses.
Zukic, Naida & Marc Veit Schwär (2022): Revolt of the Body in Stillness
While mobilizing Butoh stillness as a political intervention ascertains its aesthetic as revolt, one must not fail to acknowledge cultural hegemonies and fantasies of privilege embodied in political ontology of body in stillness. What keeps the still body in place? Here lies the paradox: the surrealist method of Butoh choreography, cannot be abstracted from the re/productive labor, capital relations, colonial, and racist institutions that hold the bodies and keep them in stillness – as in any discourse of power.
The author is indebted to her creative collaborator in butoh/photography Marc Veit Schwär. Sincere thanks also go to the TPQ editors, Craig Gingrich-Philbrook and Jake Simmons.
Zukic, Naida & Marc Veit Schwär (2019): Bosnian Nostalgia
Bosnian Nostalgia is a collaboration with the award-winning photographer Marc Veit Schwär that gives an insight into the lifestyle and activities reflecting Bosnia's cultural revival as it transitions from socialism to capitalism, and more broadly from war to peace, in its continuous struggle for a more democratic vision of society.
Zukic, Naida. "Violent Plays: Performing Ethics, Rights, and Freedoms." NCA, Salt Lake City, UT. Fall 2018.
Zukic, Naida. "Performative Witnessing: Butoh Politik." NCA, Philadelphia, PA. Fall 2017.
Zukic, Naida. "Choreographing Violent Migrations." Transmissions and Traces: Rendering Dance. Columbus, OH. Fall 2017.
Zukic, Naida. "The Violence of Heteronormativity: Notes on Anohni's Hopelessness." CUNY, Manhattan, NY. Fall 2016.
Zukic, Naida."Lost in Language: Art of Resistance." Honors Forum Lecture Series, Phoenix, AZ. Fall 20015.
Zukic, Naida. "Becoming Eye."NyamaNyama: International Art Festival. Diébougou, Burkina Faso. Summer 2015.
Zukic, Naida. “Violence: Performing Convulsive Body Politik.” Tactical Bodies: The Choreography of Non-Dancing Subjects: The Congress on Research in Dance. University of California Los Angeles. April 19-21, 2013.
Zukic, Naida. "Who's Zoo?" Michael Clark in Residence 2012 Biennial. Whitney Museum of American Art. New York, NY.
Zukic, Naida. "Oneiroid Rights & Freedoms." Backlash/On Women's Basic Rights & Freedoms, SoHo20 Chelsea, NYC, NY.
Zukic, Naida. "Project Abject [Aesthethics]" Get Smart, Galapagos Art Space, Brooklyn, NY August 2011.
Zukic, Naida. "Oneiroid Life." NewFilmmakers New York Film Festival, NYC, NY. July 2011.
Zukic, Naida. "Oneiroid Life." Ljubljana International Short Film Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia. March 16th 2011.
Zukic, Naida. "Écorché." Piercing Butoh, CAVE Ferment Series, Brooklyn, NY May 2011.
Zukic, Naida. "Ethics of Responsibility and the Violence of the Self." Anne Morrison Chapman Visiting Lecturer, Converse College, March 2011.
Zukic, Naida. "Against Rhetoric of Urgency?" San Francsico, CA. November 2010.
Zukic, Naida. "The Weight of Meaninlessness." Digital Performance. ACT ART, London, UK. November 6th 2009.
Zukic, Naida. “Informe.” Williamsburg Art & Historical Center. New York, NY, May 2009.
Zukic, Naida. "Fei’s Secret." Short Experimental Film. In the role of Sir Evaika. Department of Cinema and Photography. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. Spring 2008.